Before deciding to invest money, one must put aside their daily and monthly expenditure. Once necessary expenses are taken care of, one has to decide what the best way and place for them to invest their hard earned money. Only a percentage of The monthly income should go investments. Simply words, the amount spent on long-term investment or short should not affect your daily life or liquidity.
There are 5 ways to invest more effectively and grow your money hard
1. Saving money in the bank: Savings Bank is not the best way to invest, but can provide security and flexibility.I guess that deposited $ 500 per month, keep doubling your balance every month including interest each time you deposit coming maintain deposit a certain amount on a monthly basis for a lump sum after a certain year or at the time of retirement
2. Bonds: Bonds is also a type of investment that banks and some private companies provide to customers to increase funding is to run trouble-free operation. one can get a higher interest rate compared to savings accounts. Your risk is completely Free or low risk investment As you know before investing the sum of the amount you get after a specified period
3. certificate of deposit: Banks also offer certificate of deposit deposit. Certificate almost similar to bonds.Here you can get a lower interest rate compared to bonds, but higher than savings account.According to the risk factors that have low risk compared to investing in bonds
4 . Insurance: There are many reasons for putting hard-earned money on insurance.someone put there hard earned money to deal with uncertainty in life and someone put as a means of investment.Today most insurance companies offer high return at maturity, as well as life cover guaranteed .so insurance is also a good platform to grow your money, but try to keep attention on the maximum life coverage instead of returning after maturity.
5. Stock market : stock market is an avenue of making quick money with the participation of high risk.You can buy shares of any business as an investment in that company.Returns depends on the performance of stocks in the market.
suppose purchase of 100 units of a deposit of $ 100 each i.e its total investment is $ 10000.After some time if the stock price reaches $ 120 which means that their stand worth the investment return of $ 12,000 or 20% of your investment,
So for best performance should invest for the long horizon.